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60 MIN

The Problem of Biblical Illiteracy in the American church

Episode 02

60 MIN

A Whole Faith: Why Christians Must Care About Theology & Doctrine

Episode 01

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The Whole Faith Podcast Trailer


The Trailer

26 min
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Our Go-To Tools For A thriving business on autopilot

Episode 505

26 min
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Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone — Interview with Jenna k.

Episode 505

26 min
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Our Why: Beating The Fear And Going For your dream!

Episode 505


26 min
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Our Go-To Tools For A thriving business on autopilot

Episode 505

26 min
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Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone — Interview with Jenna k.

Episode 505

26 min
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Our Why: Beating The Fear And Going For your dream!

Episode 505


26 min
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Our Go-To Tools For A thriving business on autopilot

Episode 505

26 min
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Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone — Interview with Jenna k.

Episode 505

26 min
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Our Why: Beating The Fear And Going For your dream!

Episode 505


In a world
full of noise and distractions,
we’re called to something greater—
a life rooted in God's Truth.

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The Whole Faith

Marcus and I met in Bible college as a couple of dreamy-eyed kids back in 2008. We fell hard and fast and were married a year later. Oh the things the Lord had in store for us! We're still those same dreamy-eyed kids deep down, just with a few more gray hairs and life experiences under our belts.

Marcus received a Bachelor's Degree in Bible with an emphasis in Pastoral Ministry while I received a Bachelor's Degree in Bible with an emphasis in Family Ministry and a minor in Worship Ministry. Marcus is currently pursuing his Masters of Divinity online from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He hopes to go on to obtain his doctorate after that. 

We have been doing ministry together in various established churches and church plants for the last 15 years. With all the formal education we've pursued in biblical training, nothing could have prepared and equipped us better for ministry than, well, ministry. The things we've done well, the things we've failed in, the highs and lows and everything in between - it has all been a refining in the fire by the Spirit. We're nowhere near "arrived," but we are becoming. By the grace and mercy of God, we have much to give to the Bride of Christ, and our prayer is that these humble offerings will help nurture in you a deeper love for Jesus and His Word.

Meet your hosts - 
Marcus & Jessa Myer














We have been a speaker at 3 events before we decided to start our podcast!


We've traveled to all the continents and the north still holds our hearts.


Our pup Murphy is liiiiiife! He may even make an appearance on the pod!


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